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Assist us develop Distance Coaching

Distance Coaching  is an emerging intervention where a coach facilitates frequency energy for an individual who is not physically present and  can literally be on the other side of the world. The underlying principle behind Distance Coaching is what modern physics call "quantum entanglement."


Simply put, it means that if any part of a single system is removed from that system to a different location, any action performed on the part will also be instantaneously performed on the parent system, and vice versa.

Your fingernails (which is sent to the practitioner) are part of a single system - that system is you. So when the optimized frequency energy is transmitted by the coach to your nails, its effects will also be transmitted to you - and only you, because of the unique identifier present in every cell of your body. Your DNA.


FocusBand is used in the initial assessment and ongoing progress of Distance Coaching.


Donations will be used to further develop Distance Coaching, including mental well-being, Lifestyle &  improving performances of athletes : concentration, mental energy, clarity of thought, resilience  & emotional balance.

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